What is a mare grading?

In Dansk Varmblod both parents must be graded with Dansk Varmblod in order to call their common offspirng a true Danish Warmblood. The society has a big range of possibilities in connection with judging and grading of mares. Which kind of grading should you choose for your mares? What does it mean that a possible new broodmare is saddle-graded? This site is to give you an overview of mares' evaluations and what they include.

Tirana by Tailormade Temptation became Dressage Mare of the Year 2012
Tirana by Tailormade Temptation became Dressage Mare of the Year 2012

When to have a mare graded?
In Dansk Varmblod you can have your mare graded as from the year she turns 3 years of age. Typically we offer both exterior evaluations and saddle gradings and 1-day tests in June, saddle gradings and 1-day tests in August and exterior gradings in the autumn. All through the year we have 28-day station tests of mares at Vilhelmsborg and Frederiksværk.

Demands regarding pedigree
Apart from her qualities in function and conformation, the mare's pedigree and height at withers can be limiting factors as to which grading classification she can obtain at the grading.
At enrolment all mares' pedigree are examined closely at the main office. If the mare has limitations in her pedigree her owner will be informed before the actual date of grading.

Sirikit by Blue Hors Hotline DVH 916 became Dressage Mare of the Year 2010 and has represented DWB in Verden at the World Breeding Championships for Young Dressage Horses, was placed at the National Young Horse Championships, and shared winner of the DWB Young Horse Championships.
Sirikit by Blue Hors Hotline DVH 916 became Dressage Mare of the Year 2010 and has represented DWB in Verden at the World Breeding Championships for Young Dressage Horses, was placed at the National Young Horse Championships, and shared winner of the DWB Young Horse Championships.

Exterior evaluation
The simplest form of mare grading is the exterior evaluation. This includes measuring of height at withers, checking of colors, markings and chip marking/brand marking, in-hand at hard surface, free in arena where trot and canter are evaluated, and all mares in the heat chronologically walked in-hand at the right rein, judging of walk and finally the judges make the line-up.

Exterior evaluation with free jumping
This mare grading is the exterior evaluation accompanied by free jumping and therefore most frequently the choice of young or older broodmares with showjumping bloodlines. This includes measuring of height at withers, checking of colors, markings and chip marking/brand marking, in-hand at hard surface, free jumping in arena where jumping and canter are evaluated, and all mares in the heat chronologically walked in-hand at the right rein, judging of walk and line-up at the very end.

Saddle grading of jumpers and dressage mares
The saddle grading is a package with exterior evaluation and riding test done in one day, giving the judges a good and early clue of the mares' potential as riding horses. The owner decides at entry which discipline the mare should be tested in; dressage or free jumping. The jumper mares are also ridden after the free jumping test. A passed test (3-year-old mares must have at least 675 in total and 4 years and older mares at least 700 p.) gives the mare an R in her grading classification.

Lajgårdens Chicota by Chico´s Boy was Jumper Mare of the Year 2010
Lajgårdens Chicota by Chico´s Boy was Jumper Mare of the Year 2010

Station test of mares
The mares are sent to Vilhelmsborg or Frederiksværk in 4 weeks where the station test manager or one of the master rider pupils ride the mares. On the last day of testing the breeding commission judges the mares using the same procedures as at a saddle grading. Like at saddle gradings, the mares are either entered as dressage mares or show jumper mares.

Elite Mare Show
At saddle gradings and station tests a few of the very best mares can be appointed for the Elite Mare Show. Here the mares compete for breeders' medals in bronze, silver, and gold.

Grading classifications
Mares are graded to either DH, DS or DR depending on type, functionality and height.
The preliminary register (FOR) holds mares that do not have sufficient pedigree to enter the main studbook.

DH = Main Studbook (8-9-10 in total impression)

DS = Danish Studbook (6 or 7 in total impression)

DR = Danish Register Studbook (5 n total impression)

FOR = Preliminary Register (F1, F2, F3)

Presented by

Dansk Varmblod


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